These odd things that look like a pine-needle vortex more than anything else were originally designed for specialty stores to display delicate ornaments using a minimum of floor space. When I first saw these things hanging from the ceiling in a couple of stores over the last couple of years, I thought they were interesting. My ex wanted to do one that way just to do something different...I was neutral on that - sure, why not? Anyway, we never did anything about it.
But now, from the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog:
The 7-Foot Upside-Down Pre-Lit Christmas Tree: Evoking a 12th century Central European tradition of hanging a tree from the ceiling at Christmas, this unique 7' pre-lit fir is inverted to ensure a smaller footprint for less-spacious areas, and allowing more room for the accumulation of presents underneath.
Well, if that does not get my panties in a twist, nothing does. I need a sedative.
1 comment:
A sedative? I recommend a bottle of sangria from Texas' Wimberley Valley winery if you can come by it. Cheap, festive and native! Spec's in Clear Lake was kind enough to order me a case all at once :)
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