Friday, November 04, 2005


I like to shop from catalogs, and order on the Internet. It keeps me away from the stores and the hordes. As a result, every week during the year I get about 1 catalog in the mail, +/-.

Then Sept 15 arrives, and there's a spike.

Then Oct 1 arrives are there are more.

And Nov 1, well, forget it, if I do not check the mail every other day my poor little mailbox is shoved so full of catalogs for the holidays that I cannot find my real mail. This is not such a big problem anymore now that most of my bills are electronic and such. But still, think of all that wasted paper as I get more than one of some catalogs, and some new ones that I have never even heard of, and then some that are just CRAP.

The one that got to me, though, came in August. I tossed it, but should have kept it for this blog: All things Christmas for the house. Oh geez, the entire country is still baking in the summer heat, isn't that a bit early to be buying faux snow and nutcrackers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said... -- Scary!

Do you get the Vermont Country Store catalog? They held off on the Christmas imagery until this week -- and since it's mail-order, it makes sense to promote early for them. But I love that catalog and its collection of useful and goofy stuff. It's a hoot to read it with parents/grandparents who remember some of the items.

Sadly, I no longer get the Frederick's of Hollywood catalog, which was just trashy fun. Too bad the other catalogs I don't order from haven't gotten the hint yet!